Opt Out Requirements

As all of you know - opt out on first message has always been required on OnlySales, but up to now, never enforced in the code. While most users have included opt out since the start, some have not - and these messages are generating a lot of complaints with the carriers (AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc). If someone that gets your text doesn't like it, and you have opt out, they just do that. If it's not included, they take the time to log a complaint for spam - and enough of those could see us getting regulated to the level other apps, like Ringy, have gotten with time.

Including an opt out on first message does not lower reply rates, as some of the users with the most sales in the app have been using it since the start!

If you upload leads to a workflow, and they all fail to go out, with an error of "Opt Out not Included", this is how to fix that:

  • First of all, those messages are not billed or sent - they're filtered from our side.
  • So - open the workflow that you used to send messages to those leads.
  • Inside of that workflow, change the first message to include an opt out word, either one of the industry default ones - or your own custom ones from your own settings.
  • Once you've updated the workflow's first message and saved it - all of the stuck messages will auto retry, with your newly updated message, and go out from there!

Thank you for your help in keeping OnlySales as flexible as we're always been.

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