How to Set Up Tags

What are tags?

Tags are customizable keywords that you can assign to contacts in your account - They can be used to help you differentiate contacts an array of different ways. You can make an unlimited number of tags and can put multiple on one contact so you are able to stay organized in a way that works best for you.

Tags are visible when you assign them to a contact and you can color code them to make it even easier to see what tags you have added onto specific contacts.

  • Go to the menu located on the left-hand side of the page, and click on the tab labeled "Tags" - It will have a tag icon next to it:

  • Once clicked, you will be on the "Tags" page and it will look like this:

  • Next, hit the "Add Tags" button in the top left-hand corner:

  • Once clicked, a window will come up labeled "Add Tag" with the options to enter a name for the tag along with a bar to be able to select a color for it:

  • Name your tag and pick a color that you like - get creative and make it your own! Once you have it the way you want, click on the "Add" button:

  • You will now have the tag you just created on your "Tags" page, it will show like this:

  • Need to edit a tag? Just click on the notepad icon next to it on the right:

  • Want to delete a tag? Hit the trash icon - easy peasy!

  • Here is an example of what multiple tags on the page can look like:

  • Congrats! You've got your tags ready to go. Now, you can start adding them to contacts!

How do I add tags onto a contact?

  • If you're on the "Conversations" tab, simply click on the "+ Tag" button on the right when talking to a contact and select an existing tag:

  • Want to create a brand new tag? Just click on the "+ Create Tag" button - Type in the name along with a color for it, then click on the "Create" button. It will be added to that contact, and can also be selected again through the "+tag" button if needed again later:

  • If you are uploading a CSV file onto your account, you can add tags to it prior to uploading the file - You can either add a current tag you already have by selecting it from the list or creating a brand new one for that specific upload:

  • That tag will be added to each contact from this upload - This is helpful for searching in your "Contacts" page. If you ever wanted to check anyone with a specific tag that was added from an upload. For example:

  • You can also add tags manually from the "Contacts" page - You can select any number of contacts from the page by clicking on the checkbox located to the left of a contact, then click on the tag icon in the upper left-hand side of the page:

  • Once clicked, a window will come up labeled "Set tags for leads" - You can select the tag you want to add or create a new one for the selected contacts, once you are satisfied with your selection, click on the "Set Tags" button located in the bottom right-hand corner of the window:

  • Those contacts will now have the newly assigned tag:

  • Huzzah! You know how to use tags efficiently now - Tags are only for you to see, like a personal sticky note - Make as many as you need to stay organized!
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