How to Set Up Opportunities

What is the Opportunities tab?

Opportunities is a section in the app where you you are able to sort contacts that have responded to you, often positively, so you can follow-up with them effectively moving forward. You can save an unlimited amount of contacts on your opportunities page and can modify them as needed while they move through your pipeline.

There is an array of ways that you can customize your Opportunities page - Make it work best for you so you can stay organized!

  • To get to the Opportunities tab, click on the left-hand menu and click on the tab labeled "Opportunities" - It is the icon with a checkmark box icon:

  • Once clicked, you will be on the Opportunities page - You will see following drop-down menus and buttons located on the top part of the page as shown below:

  • In order, these are the features for the following drop down menus and buttons:

Select Pipeline: You are able to make multiple pipelines that you can add contacts too, using this you can select which you would like to use and/or view on this page to see the contacts that have been added to it.

Select Status: You are able to see the status of contacts you have added to opportunities, this allows you to check the status of ones you marked "Sold" or "Lost" - You can also click "All" to view any contacts that have been added in general.

Sort by: You can choose how you would prefer contacts you have added to your page to be sorted/viewed by either the time you created it, what stage of the pipeline they are in, or just by AV from this menu.

Create New Pipeline: Creating a new pipeline that you are able to add contacts on.

Edit Pipeline: Edit an already existing pipeline.

How do I make a pipeline?

  • To begin making a pipeline, click on the "+ Create New Pipeline" button located on the top right-hand side of the page:

  • Once clicked, a window will pop up labeled "Add Pipeline" - This is where you can give your pipeline a name so you can differentiate what pipeline this is compared to any others you may make in the future. Type in a name for your pipeline:

  • Now that you have a name for your pipeline, we can move onto "Stages" - Stages are what you can move your contact through during the process of speaking to them so you can keep track how far they are along your pipeline. You can type the name for your 1st stage in the box:

  • You have made your 1st stage! Now, to add more stages to the same pipeline, click on the "+" button next to the words "Stage name" to create a next step, you can repeat this process to make more stages:

  • Once clicked, It will add another text bar that you can type into immediately, continue doing that until you have a desired pipeline that works best for you - Here is an example of a pipeline with multiple stages:

  • If you made a stage but want to change the order that it is currently in, click on the symbol to the left of the stage and it can be moved between any of the other stages, just drag and drop to rearrange as needed:

  • If you made a stage you want to delete, just click on the delete button located on the right:

  • If you are happy with how your pipeline looks, click on the "Add" button in the lower right-hand corner of the window, this pipeline will now be added to you Opportunities page:

  • You can now select this pipeline under the "Select Pipeline" drop down menu and it will display like this - Displaying all the stages you added in order:

  • Congratulations! You have now made a pipeline that is ready to use - You are ready to start adding in those contacts!

How exactly do I add contacts?

  • There are a couple ways to add contacts to your Opportunities - First option, you can add a contact to your opportunities while you are in your "Conversations" tab then while you are on a specific contact, you can go over to the right-hand side of the page showing your contacts information that you have in your account - Scroll down and click on the tab labeled "Opportunity" and click on the button "+ Add" as shown below:

  • Once clicked, it will open a window labeled "Add Opportunity" - You can select your Pipeline, Stage, Quoted (If applicable), and Network (If Applicable), once you selected these options, click on the "Add" button in the bottom right of the window - That contact will now be available to view on your Opportunities page:

  • Another way you can achieve this is on the Opportunities page itself - Click on this icon located on any of the desired stages you want to add a contact on:

  • Once clicked, it will open up a window labeled "Add Opportunity" - Click on the drop down menu and select a contact to add to this stage along with the remaining information if applicable, if it all looks correct, then click on the "Add Opportunity" button on the bottom right-hand of the window, this contact will now be added to the stage you selected:

  • Here is an example of what the Opportunities page can look like once you have multiple contacts in different stages of the pipeline:

  • You can click on any of these contacts through the shortcut buttons located within the contacts, the buttons are as follows in order to the image below:

  • Mark as Sold: This is when you have sold the contact you are viewing.
  • Mark as Lost: This is when you no longer are trying to reach this contact or have given up on them.
  • Call: This will call the contact immediately upon clicking.
  • Chat: This is for when you want to send a text message to this contact.
  • Delete: This is for when you want to delete the contact out of your Opportunities page.
  • Edit/Update Opportunity: This is when you want to edit the information on this contact.

  • If you need to edit the stage that your contact is currently in to a different stage in the pipeline, you can click and hold on the contact's box and drag it to the desired stage, or you can click on the "Edit/Update Opportunity" button and a window will pop-up labeled "Update Opportunity" - Click the drop down menu that displays the stages, click the stage you want for this contact, and click update. That contact will now be in the stage that was selected:

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